Managing Your Achievement: Using Google Maps to Promote Your Business

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Overview of Google Maps for Business

Google My Business

Central to Google Maps for Business is Google My Business (GMB), a free tool that enables businesses to manage their online presence across Google, including Search and Maps. Through GMB, businesses can create and optimize their business listings, ensuring accurate and up-to-date information is readily available to customers.

Local SEO Benefits

Google Maps plays a crucial role in local search engine optimization (SEO), helping businesses rank higher in relevant local searches. By optimizing their presence on Google Maps with keywords, categories, and customer reviews, businesses can increase their visibility and attract more local customers.

Customer Reviews and Ratings

Customer reviews and ratings on Google Maps provide valuable social proof and feedback for businesses. Positive reviews can boost credibility and trust, while negative reviews present opportunities for businesses to address customer concerns and improve their services.

Map Listings and Directions

Businesses can leverage Google Maps to provide location-based information and directions to their physical locations. This feature enables customers to easily find and navigate to businesses, driving foot traffic and increasing sales.

Advertising Opportunities

Google Maps offers advertising opportunities that allow businesses to target local customers with relevant ads based on their location and search intent. By utilizing location-based targeting and ad formats, businesses can effectively reach their target audience and drive conversions.

Insights and Analytics

Google Maps provides businesses with valuable insights and analytics, allowing them to track performance metrics, understand customer behavior, and optimize their marketing strategies. These insights enable businesses to make data-driven decisions to drive growth and success.

What Is Google Maps Marketing

If you want to be seen and chosen in today's industry, there are plenty of websites where you can invest your money. However, Google Maps is one of the best ways for local businesses to increase market share, as the majority of consumers use Google to find a business, and the number of "near me" searches is growing tremendously.

The technique of using Google Maps to make your business easier for clients to find and pick is known as Google Maps marketing. We frequently collaborate with nearby companies, so we are aware of the ways in which Google Maps facilitate lead generation and conversion. However, we also understand that this kind of marketing is only effective when used in a calculated manner. For this reason, we've put up this list of advice to help you use Google Maps marketing effectively, just like a local business.

Reasons to Use Google Maps Marketing

Google claims that 3 billion hotels and 1 billion clothing stores are searched for each month. The majority of these customers visit a neighbouring store that same day. With its complete dominance of the navigation business, Google Maps has the devotion of about 67% of smartphone users. Customers are more than twice as likely to visit Google than any other website when looking for and choosing a local company. About 75% of clicks are directed to the first three organic search results, sometimes referred to as the "Google Map Pack."

When you take charge of your business listing and give Google Maps marketing top priority, you'll see a rise in ranking and a spike in conversion rates.

Elements of Google Maps Ranking

A Google Maps search engine ranking requires more than just creating a Google Business profile. You need to know the ranking factors that Google Maps uses to determine which businesses show up first in the search results. The top three ranking factors that you should be aware of are as follows:


This is a measure of how well your company listing appears for potential customers' search phrases. Make sure your business profile has correct and detailed information about your goods and services in order to become more relevant. Make use of pertinent keywords in the reviews, categories, and business description.


The level of recognition and trustworthiness of your company in the community is determined by this rating criteria. Focus on developing a solid online reputation by enticing clients to post reviews on your Google Business profile in order to become more well-known. Additionally, you can raise your profile by listing on various well-known internet directories and sites.


This ranking element calculates how close your company is to the person who is looking for your goods or services. Make sure your actual location is correctly provided on your Google Business profile to raise your distance ranking. To increase your exposure for surrounding queries, you can also mention nearby attractions or local landmarks in your description.

Establishing an Account on
Google Business Profile

Prior to launching your Google Maps marketing campaign, make sure you create a free Google Business Profile account. You need this account in order to update and manage the Google Maps listing for your company.

To create your Google Business Profile account,
1. Go to the landing page for Google Business Profile.

2. Select “Sign in” and log in with your Google account.

3. Search for your business name to claim its current listing or to create a new listing.
4. Follow the prompts to input accurate business information into your listing.

Our tutorial on adding your business to Google Maps will provide you useful information about each stage in case you need it.

Enhance Your Google Business Profile with These 6 Google Maps Marketing Tricks

You may quickly establish your business as the leading option for the majority of searchers, both online and offline, by implementing the Google location-based marketing tactics listed below. Given that 92% of clicks on search engine result pages happen on the first page, getting your business to be on the first page of Google results can significantly increase traffic.

Most physical business owners already know how useful it is to use Google Maps to provide basic information about their company and location. Your business might benefit from knowing the different ways to improve your Google Business Profile for local SEO.

1. Fill in the blanks

Filling out your company's Google business page with accurate information is the first and easiest way to improve your ranking. To accomplish this, you must enter into the backend of your Google Business Profile and add any required information. For example, you may include:

Concentrate on the cities you service in order to improve your rating for users in those local markets.

This is also a great time to make sure that all of your contact information, including your address, phone number, and other details, is accurate. Since Google builds its authority by giving people the best information possible, having any erroneous information could cause your ranks to drop. Companies in the US may rank higher than those who don't if they provide their precise, standardized USPS address, along with the necessary acronyms.

2. Add images

Include images in your business listing as part of your Google Maps marketing strategy. The 32% of marketers who say that visual images are the most important kind of material for their company are not exclusive to Google Maps. Whatever type of business you own, having visually appealing photos makes it easier for customers to find your listing and gives you a chance to improve your Google Maps SEO.

3. Collect Google reviews

You and your competitors are presumably all close to the searcher, even though many local businesses that provide a specific kind of good or service are the focus of these searches on Google. Google factors in a number of factors, such as proximity, when deciding which results to show. You can break the tie if you receive more ratings and reviews in a given scenario.

While user reviews don't determine your position in the search results, they do play a big part in telling Google how authoritative you are in the industry. They impact traditional search results in addition to raising your position in local search results according to relevancy and rating.

4. Use Keywords

Keywords can be entered into metadata in multiple places. You can also use keywords in any customer-facing descriptions you provide for your Google Maps listing. For example, you would like people to find your small construction-focused business when they search for "near me." In this instance, you should concentrate on and use search phrases such as "contractor near me" and "builders in my area."

5. Create local search ads

You may boost your online visibility even more by using advertisements to drive potential customers to your website, even though using Google Maps marketing may be a free digital marketing tactic.

Google's local search advertisements have the power to push your company listing to the top of Google Maps search results on desktop and mobile devices, even if your company isn't as relevant as your rivals.

The search engine claims that companies using local search ads will surely see an increase in calls, clicks, and in-store visits. You will have to pay a variable cost per click (CPC) as this is a pay-per-click (PPC) advertising kind, so it could be a good idea to test these ads out before investing.

6. Verify your business

The final step to optimizing your Google Maps promotion is to verify your business. Because Google strives to shield its users from falling for frauds from businesses they recommend, the Google Maps app frequently shows confirmed results above those it isn't sure about.

Many smaller firms choose to confirm by phone or email, even if there are other options. When you verify by mail, you will receive a postcard at your business address with a number you can enter into your Google Business Profile account.

Connect with more customers

With over 154 million users, Google Maps marketing is one of the most important components of local marketing. Making your company's Google Maps listing the go-to source for details about your offerings and how to get them will boost lead generation, conversion, and revenue.

If you want to increase your sales and conversion even more, Podium can help. Following these tips and connecting your Google Business Profile account to Podium will improve your website traffic by over 67% and clicks to contact by over 85%. To explore what Podium can do for your business, use Podium Starter to get started for free.